Pitch Black – Movie Review

Posted by in Movies


I rented the Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena game and while playing it I remembered how much I love the character of Riddick and decided to stay up until 4 A.M. watching Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick.

I forgot how much this movie rocks, there are so many greate scenes and fantastic special effects.  I just now had to look up how the shoulder dislocation scene was done because of how real it looks, apparently it’s because Vin Diesel actually did it for the crew while holding chains, but wasn’t able to do it with manacles on so special effects were added for that part.  Knowing the outcome changes some of the excellently played twists, but it’s still a remarkably enjoyable film to watch and it holds up really well 9 years later.

Summary: I always tell people who have never seen it to borrow my DVD and watch it, I think it’s a must see.
