Fired Up! – Movie Review

Posted by in Movies


I just finished watching Fired Up! which was a lot better than I really expected from a movie about a couple highschool (American) football jocks who go to cheer camp in order to have sex with tons of chicks they’ve never met before.

The movie is as good as a cheerleader type movie can be, about on par with Bring It On.  The wit in this movie was something I wasn’t expecting, about as good as any witty comedy I’ve seen lately.  Judging by the outtakes at the end, they were given a chance to show off their comedic freestyle.

I legitimately laughed out loud a lot during this movie, and I think it’s worthy of watching a few times (like when people come over who, no doubt, haven’t seen it).

Sarah Roemer, who plays the cheer captain and love interest, is great as the only girl at the camp who sees through the guys’ bullshit.  This role could have easily been cast to someone less talented and it wouldn’t have hurt the film, but luckily this woman was chosen (she’s super sexy too).

After looking up Eric Christian Olsen and Nicholas D’Agosto (The two jocks) I was shocked to see they are 32 and 29 years old respectively.  I honestly assumed they were in their early 20s and was going to extoll their virtues, as it is I’m a little surprised I haven’t noticed them in other movies before.  They were fantastic and it makes me think I look older than I am, seeing how young they look.

Summary: This is definately worth renting, especially if you have some people over.
