The Rocker – Review

Posted by in Movies


The Rocker, staring Rainne Wilson of The Office fame, about a middle-aged ex-rocker who helps out a group of teens with a band turned out to be a half-decent movie.  It certainly wasn’t as funny as the last few movies I saw (Pineapple Express, Step Brothers, Tropic Thunder) but there were some decently funny scenes and the story wasn’t bad.  I don’t know if it’s Rainne’s voice, or his delivery, that makes “Fish” feel very similar to his Office character Dwight, but it is somewhat distracting.  Most of the roles in this movie are cliche’d and there are obvious plot twists (the band breaks up just before their big gig for ridiculous reasons, but then they make up just in time to rock out.  What a coincidence, I’ve seen that at least a dozen times before).  There are several noticeable Toronto locations (where most of this movie was filmed) such as venue’s and skyline’s.

Christina Applegate was perfect as the yummy mummy, she is still very attractive and steals every scene she is in.

Rating: Worth renting once.
