Glen Stevens' Thoughts

X-COM: Enemy Unknown – Review

Posted by in Games

XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a turn-based tactical role-playing strategy video game developed by Firaxis Games and was released on PC, Xbox 360, and PS3.  I rented the PS3 version through Game Access.  The game places the player as the Commander of X-COM, a  multi-national organization designed to fight alien threats.  While no threats are occurring the player runs the operation of the base, including buying new equipment for the team, new satellites and fighter aircraft to protect member nations, and new facilities like labs and workshops which help your scientists create new equipment.  When a threat occurs the…read more

Greed Corp

Posted by in Games

Greed Corp is a turn-based tactical strategy game developed by W! Games (looks like it’s been bought out by Vanguard Games) where the objective is to outlast the other opponents by harvesting land, attacking and strategically destroying connected land.  The players start at strategically equal points on the map and take turns building harvesters and expanding control of the lands.  The land itself is made up of hexagonal tiles of varying height which represent how many times they can be harvested.  Every turn your harvesters will give resources but at…read more